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Let's make biology a fruitful learning experience for your child with Learner's Note's FREE learning resources for grade 10 Biology learners. Not only will your child get the resources to excel academically, it'll help your child reflect on various concepts. Explore while learning with free resources made available right at your desktop! Bring out the best in your child with development of spatial skills, logical reasoning and analytical skills. Access excellent Grade 10 CBSE Biology solution-inspired repository now.
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Class 10
Biology :-NCERT Solution - Life Process

Page No 95:
Question 1:
Why is diffusion insufficient to meet the oxygen requirementsof multi-cellular organisms like humans?

Page No 95:
Question 2:
What criteria do we use to decide whether something is alive?

Page No 95:
Question 3:
What are outside raw materials used for by an organism?

Page No 95:
Question 4:
What processes would you consider essential for maintaining life?

Page No 101:
Question 1:
What are the differences between autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition?

Page No 101:
Question 2:
Where do plants get each of the raw materials required for photosynthesis?

Page No 101:
Question 3:
What is the role of the acid in our stomach?

Page No 101:
Question 4:
What is the function of digestive enzymes?

Page No 101:
Question 5:
How is the small intestine designed to absorb digested food?

Page No 105:
Question 1:
What advantage over an aquatic organism does a terrestrial organism have with regard to obtaining oxygen for respiration?

Page No 105:
Question 2:
What are the different ways in which glucose is oxidized to provide energy in various organisms?

Page No 105:
Question 3:
How is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings?

Page No 105:
Question 4:
How are the lungs designed in human beings to maximize the area for exchange of gases?

Page No 110:
Question 1:
What are the components of the transport system in human beings? What are the functions of these components?

Page No 110:
Question 2:
Why is it necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in mammals and birds?

Page No 110:
Question 3:
What are the components of the transport system in highly organised plants?

Page No 110:
Question 4:
How are water and minerals transported in plants?

Page No 110:
Question 5:
How is food transported in plants?

Page No 112:
Question 2:
What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products?

Page No 112:
Question 3:
How is the amount of urine produced regulated?

Page No 113:
Question 5:
How are fats digested in our bodies? Where does this process take place?

Page No 113:
Question 5:
How are fats digested in our bodies? Where does this process take place?

Page No 113:
Question 6:
What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food?

Page No 113:
Question 7:
What are the necessary conditions for autotrophic nutrition and what are its by-products?

Page No 113:
Question 8:
What are the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? Name some organisms that use the anaerobic mode of respiration.

Page No 113:
Question 9:
How are the alveoli designed to maximise the exchange of gases?

Page No 113:
Question 10:
What would be the consequences of a deficiency of haemoglobin in our bodies?

Page No 113:
Question 11:
Describe double circulation in human beings. Why is it necessary?

Page No 113:
Question 12:
What are the differences between the transport of materials in xylem and phloem?